First EuSAge Meeting


(The EuSAge study: European-South American collaborative project to identify and characterize age-related genetic modifiers and biomarkers of neurodegenerative processes in SCA3/MJD and in Huntington Disease)

December 3, 2018 - Academic activities aimed at researchers and students
Morning - SCA3/MJD
9h-9h30 Factors modifying the pathogenesis of SCA3/MJD

Thorsten Schmidt, University of Tuebingen, Germany

9h30-9h50 Epidemiological evidences on modifiers of the age at onset of SCA3/MJD: a meta-analysis

Laura Bannach Jardim, UFRGS, Brazil

9h55-10h15 Ancestral haplotypes of SCA3/MJD: do they have a functional role?

Maria Luiza Saraiva-Pereira, UFRGS, Brazil

10h15-10h35 Coffee break

10h40-11h10: Eye-movement biomarkers of SCA3/MJD

Carlos Gordon, Tel Aviv University, Israel
11h10-11h40 MRI biomarkers of SCA3/MJD

Marcondes França or Thiago Rezende, UNICAMP, Brazil

11h40-12h40 - Happy talk with students

12h45-14h45: Lunch time

Afternoon - HD
14h45-15h15: Huntington disease, from gene to bench: the Peruvian perspective.

Mario Cornejo, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Neurológicas, Peru
15h15-15h40 Selective forces related to HD

Raphael Castilhos, UCPA, Brazil

15h40 - 16h40: Happy talks with students.

18h: Happy hour with everybody.

Avenida Pasteur 520, Rio de Janeiro 04719-001
Todos os direitos reservados 2019
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